the digest

From Paper Planes to Pocket-Sized Progress: Navigating Flight, Tech, and Earth's Curious Quirk
Edition: August 27, 2023

Ever wondered about the science behind a paper airplane's flight? From classroom amusement to innovation symbol, it's a journey of constant flight corrections and human creativity. Then, as technology races forward, is our role to simply adopt the new, or is it our responsibility to thoughtfully choose, embrace, and understand its impact on the world? Plus, there's a gravity hole in the Indian Ocean?

It's All Mind Games: Memory, Morality, and the Modern World
Edition: August 20, 2023

There is a very intriguing dance between memory and perception going on in our noggins. On one side, humans are very bad narrators that tend to cast a flattering glow on the past; and on the other side, is well… the truth. But maybe it was better back in the olden days; at the very least it was different. This week we’re learning why you should still keep a hand-written journal, why we aren’t in a moral decline as a society, and why 2012 was such a pivotal year in shaping the modern world.

Goodbye Cortana, Hello Generative AI
Edition: August 13, 2023

This week, we mourn the lose of Microsoft’s tech star Cortana. Meanwhile, on the medical front, AI is simultaneously promising to revolutionize cancer care and raising concerns about its adaptability and patient comprehension. These aren’t the only concerns AI is facing at the moment, either. As Generative AI tools grow exponentially in popularity, they continue to fuel the debate: machine vs. artist. Are we witnessing the rise of creative machines or merely an evolution of technology’s impact on artistic expression? Have we reached the "Creative Singularity”? Is this a new era or just the next evolution? Let the AI saga continue.

Simplicity and Complexity: they aren't opposites. There's always more than meets the eye.
Edition: August 6, 2023

Striving for simplicity can lead to hidden complexities; self-mending metal and Leonardo's visionary legacy remind us that the world is full of surprises. From nanoscale healing to artistic and scientific exploration, there's more to discover than meets the eye. So, are we ready to embrace the intricate wonders of life and break free from the allure of simplicity?

Creativity: a unique human skill, or the downfall of corporate innovation?
Edition: July 30, 2023

The doom and gloom perspective is that machines are going to replace humans. But shouldn't we consider that humans continue to advance in parallel to machines? And don't we have a pretty strong headstart? We're sharing an HBR articles about creativity and how humans can use AI to be even more creative. However, it reminded us of an article from 2002, also from HBR, titled ""Creativity is not enough."" The author isn't wrong. Dreaming and doing are very different things. Plus, we're caught up in the romance of Shohei Ohtani. If you haven't ready this profile, do it. To endlessly pursue something, to always be looking for more within yourself, makes living more magical.

From the PalmPilot to Doom Scrolling to Remote Patient Monitoring: What an Unexpected Path of Technology
Edition: July 23, 2023

This week we're delving into some new technology, and some not so new. New AI is moving Remote Patient Monitoring into the mainstream. Meanwhile, your 2002 PalmPilot has found a new home alongside IMAX cameras. And should we be worrying about our doom scrolling habits? Yes, we probably should.

Information Superhighway or Superstorm?
Edition: July 16, 2023

Dr. AI is in, but don't expect it to be replacing doctors anytime soon. Look to the structure of our shoulders to learn more about human power dynamics, how we got our big brains, and why we’re so different from other animals. Plus, are we actually living in an Information Superhighway, or is it more like a polluted river of data?

Lights, Problems, Inventions - Action!
Edition: July 9, 2023

Lights and sirens are associated with help on the way, but could they actually be putting everyone in danger? Then, what’s the difference between strong and weak link problems? Why are they important to how we address situations in the world? Revisit Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions in a new totally new, accessible form.

The beauty in the mechanisms behind our watches, wound care, and our sense of Self
Edition, July 2, 2023

Learn the machinery behind one of the most complex watches in the world. Plus, gastrointestinal wound care has just gotten better and you aren’t who you think you are.

I'll have Extra-Terrestrial Life and Viruses, with a side of aging brains
Edition: June 25, 2023

Our understanding of life on the nano-scale is growing, from outer space to our guts. Plus: modern life may be aging our brains and making us sick.

Learn a New Skill, Embrace the Noise, and ... try MDMA? Wait - What?
Edition: June 18, 2023

First up, learn something new about the impact on learning to our cognitive capabilities as we age - plus, 6 tips on learning from infants. Then, embrace the annoyances of life by taking off your headphones. Plus, modern life is making us feel more isolated - how do we start rebuilding our ability to truly connect?

What could rhythm, quantum mechanic, and neurons possibly have to do with each other?
Edition: June 11, 2023

Turns out, they have a lot in common. Rhythm can be found in every corner of the universe - from the music we sing along with on the radio to the way we speak to our friends; from the frequency which our brain cells fire to quantum physics. Rhythm can change the way we view the world and how we feel. How? Let’s dive in.

Is the answer more important to the question? Or is it the other way around?
Edition: June 4, 2023

This week we're exploring the power of questions. Our conclusion: they’re pretty darn important. That’s because they force us to really delve into the situation at hand and push us to think differently. Often, this leads to creative and prudent solutions. These articles really got me thinking about our culture surrounding immediate answers. With the power of AI, like ChatGPT, literally in our hands, are we becoming more empowered to ask questions of substance, or are we learning to circumvent the questioning process entirely?

Running season - or discovery season?
Edition: May 28

Spring is in full swing, but the warm weather isn’t the only thing we’re buzzing about. Apparently, this is the season of discovery too. After perusing how the marathon became 26.2 miles, check out the color-changing sutures that could change wound care as we know it. Then, there’s a new jellyfish! Or at least, new to us.

How the arts transport us to different worlds and alter our brains
Edition: May 21

Music, art, and philosophy all evoke powerful emotions, shape our perspectives, and transport us to other worlds. Music can even change our brain chemistry, which may just change how we look at patient care. Speaking of transport, take a visit down memory lane with this article on Nostalgia.

Move over Batman. This time our hero is... bats?
Edition: May 14

There is an invisible force quietly lurking in our bodies: low-level inflammation. It’s meant to be benevolent, but is far from harmless. But, could bats hold the solution?

The probability of a coin toss and (preventative) healthcare heads home
Edition: May 7

First up, break your brain on a quick thought experiment. Then, breast healthcare is getting a major upgrade. Plus: a quick look back through the years on Juliet’s transformation (that Juliet from Romeo and Juliet).

Criticism, Mathematics, and the importance of questioning the status quo
Edition: April 30, 2023

Criticism can be uncomfortable. It can be frustrating. But ultimately, it’s crucial to progress - whether it be professional, personal, or societal. So instead of sticking to our own ideas and our own status quo, what would happen if we embraced a culture of criticism? We’re betting some pretty incredible things. Let’s dive in.

What lies in the shadows and why weather apps are always wrong.
Edition: April 23, 2023

We live in the age of data overload; we arguably have more data than our brains can effectively comprehend. So, how do we start making sense of all of the information? To start, we can take a lesson from past artists and weather forecasting. Plus: is it time to retire Peer Review?

No more Instagram face and the zen of repair.
Edition: April 16, 2023

We're in the Age of AI, but cyborg aesthetics are...over? Plus, the craft of repair and the irresistible draw of working with your hands.

Everything connected and the impact on infrastructure with a side of philosophy versus science?
Edition: April 2, 2023

Technology moves at the rate of Moore's Law...maybe faster these days. But do networks keep up? And with the reliance of more and more devices on networks, are humans in charge of security and performance able to keep up with bad actors? Here's hoping yes, but a commerical led to a rabbit hole, and this week is about connectedness and its effects on existing infrastructure. And then, is there truth? Does consensus exist in science?

Are we ruled by a bell curve?
Edition: March 26, 2023

Do we really all sort to a bell curve? If you're hoping a machine can be trusted to define beauty, then yes. Even aesthetics is ruled by a bell curve. One step further, is it possible that we're just heading to an age of average? Average face? Average house? Average success? If your car, coat, and sneakers match your neighbors, are you in? Or average?

Make my dreams your reality. Or, make your dreams my reality? So goes the song!
Edition: March 19

Fantasy is important to creativity and innovation. First, you have to dream or envision something before you can build it. But how often do we get carried away with what the future holds? Plus, do you have a soundtrack to your life? To your day? Is making a playlist "art?"

Did Voice-as-a-Platform fail because of monopolies? Or is healthcare failing patients because of monopolies?
Edition: February 26, 2023

Monopolies. They are everywhere while supposedly nowhere thanks to anti-trust laws. Did monopolistic practices prevent voice-as-a-platform from realizing it's true potential? It felt incredible 5-7 years ago with turning lights on and off or asking for quick factoids. I'm often reminded of this SNL Alexa skit. But did large tech companies hinder the growth of voice because they were more focused on how voice helped their suite of products instead of allowing voice to be unburdened by the bottom line? Also, distance can matter. And when private equity is buying up all of the local practices, should we be worried about costs of future care?