Spring is in full swing, but the warm weather isn’t the only thing we’re buzzing about. Apparently, this is the season of discovery too. After perusing how the marathon became 26.2 miles, check out the color-changing sutures that could change wound care as we know it. Then, there’s a new jellyfish! Or at least, new to us.
Welcome to the May 28 edition of The Digest.
And that means, running season! Ever wonder how humans started running 26.2 miles? The history of the marathon is long attributed to Pheidippides' run to Athens to annouce a Greek Victory but the true story is more twisty. One spoiler, the extra .2 miles was added to accommodate the British royals viewing of the finish line from the royal box. Link.
Ask Iowa City teen Dasia Taylor, who developed color-changing sutures that measure the skin’s pH levels and can detect infections early, when they can be treated quickly and efficiently. Check out more about her research and her thoughts on her accomplishments here. Link.
The box jellyfish has 24 eyes, in 6 clusters, and moves by allowing water to enter canals that run along a muscular membrane on the underside of their bodies and then expelling it.Pretty groovy, huh? Link.