To create a patient, first find the "Add Patient" button on the top right corner of the page.
There are 3 parts to the Patient Profile creation process:
1. Add basic details (like first and last name, email, phone number, birthday, and patient ID). Click Submit to move to part 2.
2. You can add in further optional details, like address and biological information. Click "Submit" to move to part 3.
3. You can now "Add a new case" for the patient you just created!
Write in the case title and select the surgery date and time. Undecided about what to name the case? Don't worry. You can edit it at any time. Some doctors use the surgical procedure, for example "Rhinoplasty".
Once you select "Save", you'll be navigated to the Case Details page, where you can upload imaging data.
If you want to add collaborators at this time, click on the Share link and either select a collaborator from the dropdown list or type in an email address.
For more details, see the Help topic for What is a Collaborator and how do I add one?