Before getting started:
Multi-Factor Authentication, or MFA, is a way to make sure your account is safe by enabling the use of a secondary code when logging in, in addition to your usual username and password.
When you first create your account, you are asked to register for multi-factor authentication by entering your login email address. You may also enter a second method of communication - either another email address or a mobile phone number. The next time you log into your account, you will be asked your preferred method of notification for that login.
Once you click "Submit", you will receive an email or text message from MirrorMe support containing your six-digit MFA code. Enter that number on the login page and hit "Submit" to access your account.
At any time you may add or change the second authentication method such as using text messages for authentication.
Navigate to the Account page using the top menu and then navigate to the MFA Devices page.
Once there, click "Add device" to add an alternative device for verifying your session login.
A modal will pop up that will have you select between adding a secondary email address or phone number.
You can then begin using your preferred method for verifying your sessions immediately.
MFA helps you keep your account and patient data extra secure!